User Tips
PricePuzle Page : This page will combine all of your visible price labels design from type A to type D in a page. If you don't want to combine anyone of type A price labels design, please unselect type A in [Selected Type] field.
Price Subscript : If you want to add subscript for price, for example [ $29.99ea ], [ ea ]display in black, you should enter [$29.99bkleabkr], bkl meaning black left, bkr meaning black right, this price subscript only avaliable for type A,C,D design.
Auto Barcode : Once you enter 12 or 13 numbers(only numbers) in description field, it would be generating a barcode automatically.
Printing Margins : Our templates design for paper size [letter] with 0 printing margins and no header and footer. Please setup on [Page Setup] carefully before you doing your printing.